Does the Brand of Gas I Use Actually Matter

When you head to your local gas station for a fill-up, you’re probably presented with a variety of brands and station names. Today’s gasoline is regulated and is legally required to have specific levels of additives like detergent, octane, ethanol, and other ingredients to maintain good quality. The brand name of gas you choose might depend on your location or budget. So, does the brand you use really matter in the bigger scheme of things?
The Grade of Fuel
Most brand name gasoline does typically contain more engine cleaning detergents than some off-brand gas stations. However, the odds are that the same gas at your local Exxon is also distributed to a mom-and-pop location, too. In general, there are three main grades of unleaded gas at all stations within the US. The price per gallon is higher as the fuel grade goes higher. The octane rating of your gas does matter, especially if you own a car with a high-performance engine. Look at your owner’s manual to determine which grade of gasoline you need, but keep in mind that it’s mostly the same in terms of quality whether you purchase it from a brand name station or a “generic” one.
Is Cheaper Gas Causing Issues?
If you’re experiencing problems like knocking of the engine, it could be the octane level of the gas. This knocking can steal power from your engine and can slowly cause potentially serious damage. Here are a few factors to keep in mind when choosing a higher octane level:
- The environment where you live may have an impact. For example, if you live in an area with high temperatures but low humidity, this can increase knocking, resulting in the need for high octane gasoline.
- If you have an older vehicle, it may have a buildup of carbon inside the cylinder. This creates hot spots and deposits that will decrease your cylinder volume, resulting in higher pressure and knocking.
- Be sure to check your spark plugs. Often, if they’re worn out or the wires are not in good condition, it can cause the engine to knock.
- Take a closer look at your engine’s cooling system. A malfunctioning cooling system creates higher engine temperatures, which in turn can cause your engine to start knocking.
The bottom line is that most gasoline sold today has about the same level of quality no matter where you go. When in doubt or if you’re experiencing engine knocking, contact the pros at Carfix located in Garner, NC and call them at 919-900-6505 to schedule your appointment today!