How To Keep Your Car Running When You’re Not Using It

If you have a vehicle that isn’t used very often, there is a risk that the next time you go to drive it, it simply won’t turn on. There are other things that can happen, as well, depending upon how well you upkeep your car, so what can you do?
Here at Carfix, we want to give you all the tips and tricks you need to keep your vehicle in good working order even when you aren’t using it. First and foremost, our auto repair shop wants to keep you on the road safely. Our trusted mechanics are always here to help the citizens of Garner and Raleigh, North Carolina stay safe on the road.
7 Tips To Keep Your Car Working When Not In Use
#1 – Clean Your Vehicle
Keeping your car clean before long periods of not using it is important for maintenance. Crumbs and sweet sticky residue can attract ants and other critters that may not usually show up in an often occupied vehicle.
#2 – Prep Your Vehicle
There are some things you can do to ensure that your car doesn’t build up any rust if it is going to be in storage for the long haul. One of the things we recommend doing is spraying any unfinished metal with undercoating.
#3 – Fill The Tank
Having a full tank of gas will help keep moisture from building up in the gas tank. This will ensure that when you do start it up again, it won’t hurt the engine by having too much water mixed in with the fuel.
#4 – Top Off Your Fluids
Anything from coolant to brake fluids should be topped off before you store your car for a long period of time. You should probably change the oil as well, especially if it hasn’t been changed in a while.
#5 – Take It For A Spin
If you are able to, taking your car for a short drive every week or two will help keep the fluids running and keep all the parts nice and lubricated.
#6 – Cover It Up
Your vehicle will stay in better working conditions if you keep it covered while it is not in use. Preferably, you can use a garage or a roof. If you don’t have that option, you can purchase a car covering while it is parked in a driveway, as well.
#7 – Tend To The Battery
If you are not able to take your car out for a drive every week or two, you will need to make sure that you are keeping your battery charged up, or you will not be able to start up your car. You can connect your battery to a trickle charger or battery tender for longer periods of non-use and storage if you need to.
Taking Your Vehicle Back On The Road
After a long period of storage, check for rodent damage to hoses, heat damage such as cracked wiper blades, fluids, and tire pressure before taking your vehicle back on the road.
If you need to get your vehicle ready for storage, we can help you here at Carfix in Raleigh or Garner. Just give us a call at 919-752-5090 and make your appointment today.